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Our Story...

   Who are we? We are a group of Christ followers, serving Him by providing funds for basic needs such as food and water for the ministries of El Sembrador and Espigas Neuvas in Ensenada, Mexico. The Lord crossed our paths on a missions trip through a local church back in 2019. We attended Pastor Luis’s church in Ensenada and he was the most loving and caring man.He truly has a heart for people and for the lost. We connected with Pastor Luis and kept in touch on a regular basis after we returned to Canada. When covid hit, and the church shut down all ministries the Lord led us to start Mexico 4 Missions. Through God’s help and the financial support of our community we have sent funds monthly to support Espigas Neuvas & El Sembrador.


   Pastor Luis is the pastor of El Sembrador church & men’s home in Ensenada, Mexico. (El Sembrador means "the planter." The one who plants the seed in the earth) 7 years ago P. Luis gave up his career working with the homeless, mentally ill & handicapped people as he felt the Lord call him to open a home that would house men that were homeless, addicted and tossed away by society. Thus, El Sembrador rehab was born. Pastor Luis takes in the homeless men of Ensenada and they are welcome to stay as long as needed. They are taught about the Lord and those that are able are required to help with the cleaning, cooking and care for those that can not care for themselves. The men that come to the rehab addicted are required to complete a 6 month Christ centered rehabilitation program. They are then required to go to work cleaning local businesses in exchange for food or clothing donations. The men are required to return every evening at 5pm for the evening devotional. The family members of the men in the rehab program are also asked to attend the church and the pastor works with them to bring wholeness to the family unit before the men return to their homes. Some men that come through the program have felt the call of the Lord to go to Bible school and so Pastor Luis makes the arrangements for that to happen. There are currently 5 of the 23 men at El Sembrador in the rehab program.


Pastor Luis loves the opportunity to have a larger home so he can help more men. Our family saw the movie Mully which is the story of how Charles Mully rescued children off the street in Africa and took them home. He and his family eventually built greenhouses and grew their own food. They eventually grew so much they were able to sell some to help support their ministry. We shared this vision with Pastor Luis. This has always been our dream and now the Lord is making the dream a reality!


   Thanks to God, the hard work of our team and the generosity of people all over Canada we have raised the funds needed to purchase a building and property for the new El Sembrador. Please see pics to the right. We are now fundraising to purchase bunk beds & help with set up costs so the rehab can grow their own food. We are also still sending funds monthly to help the ladies of Espigas Neuvas. We are currently seeking people to partner with us to commit to praying for these precious people and this ministry and also monthly financial support. Would you please prayerfully consider partnering with us? You can reach a team member through the contact us page. Thank- you & God bless you!

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